Juices or Smoothies for weight loss

Juicing is trending these days. So many claims that juicing  imoroves health and causes weight loss. Is drinking juices actually better for weight loss, than smoothies? 


Freshly pressed or squeezed juices are full of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

Also high in sugar. 

Juices lack fibre which aids digestion and weight loss. The amount of sugar in fresh juice depends on the fruits and vegetables used in the recipe. 

A 50-50 combination of vegetables and fruits will be really high in sugar and calories. A better combination can be 20:80 of fruits and vegetables.


Blending your vegetables and fruits is a much better option compared to juicing. A combination of some vegetables, low glycemic fruits with almond milk, protein powder, chia seeds will make for a more filling and healthy meal or snack. 

Smoothies have a balance of nutrients and are nutrient dense. Also more filling and full of essential nutrients. Smoothies give more satiety compared to juices, which helps you curb cravings and keeps you fuller for a longer time. So you are able to eat less and lose weight too.

Avoid drinking your calories

Packaged smoothies and juices from stores are loaded with extra calories and can deter your weight loss progress .Most people drink their calories, and  do not  consider this  by eating less the rest of the the day. Extra  calories with time would  lead to unnecessary weight gain.

To get good results on  your weight loss journey, make your smoothie at home instead of juice. A low calorie smoothie a day will help keep some  weight off. Don't forget the health benefits too. Reduces your risk of lifestyle diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and more, because of the ingredients balance of protein, fat and carbohydrate.They are nutritious, and tasty too. 


Add to your smoothies to make them even more nutritious and even better, these superfoods; chia seeds, hemp seeds, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, peanut butter,almond or cashew butter, raw cocoa powder, avocado or virgin coconut oil. The best choice of  fruits to add to your smoothies will be low calorie ones like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries because they are nutritious full of antioxidants and are rich in fibre too. 


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