What to do to change your health for the better


1.Drink water, minimum 2litres a day. 

2.Walk wherever you can and take the stairs.

3.Sleep 6 - 8 hours a night. 

4.Don’t drink any caffeine 5 hours before bedtime. 

5.Eat some fruits and/or vegetables with every meal. 

6.Do your health check and blood-work  frequently. It’s a great way of monitoring your health especially if you are over 40.

7.Have a bottle of water with you all the time.

Drink and refill regularly. 

8.Work out  at least 3 times a week. It doesn’t have to be the gym. Run,jog,walk,cycle,swim. 

It doesn’t matter much what you do, but challenge yourself. The benefits, for your body and mind’s longevity and function, are priceless. 3 hours a week is like less than 2% of your time. 

9.Meditate at least 10 minutes a day. 

10.Find healthy foods you enjoy. If you don't like Spinach try Kale. 

11.Go for a smaller plate and do portion control. Eat in moderation. 

12.Take care of yourself. Don’t get too caught up in so many activities neglecting yourself. Practice self care. Create that me time because you are worth it. Make you priority because you are worth it. 

13.Do not fail to plan. Plan your meals, your activities, everything. Be intentional and create a healthy routine for yourself. 

14.Practise gratitude. 

15.Find a way to de-stress regularly. 


Benefits of Exercise on your well being


Staying on track during the weekends and vacations