How to stop craving for sugary foods

You have to stop eating sugar and most foods high in carbs, and the cravings will gradually go away on their own. Sugar cravings happens when there is a spike in blood sugar and if you reduce your carb intake ,you won't get the insulin surge.

The truth is you have to change your eating habits. If you don't eat surgary foods, your body will not crave them. Make healthier choices, pick foods made with whole wheat or whole grain, not white or multi-grain.

If you are always craving, you can go on a body cleanse, it will rid your body of all the junk and you can start fresh.

Putting lemon in your water does great things to your body. The cravings are stronger at night. When you get that chocolate or sugar craving, drink water with lemon in it.

This helps quench your cravings before bed time. Also, choose meals many bites. Crunchy healthy bites of an apple will make you full.

So intentionally reduce excessive portions of your carbs. Reduce gradually the portion size. Eat and do not wait until you will be very hungry.

Drink water before your meals.

After an intense workout have noticed you are very hungry too? That's where meal preparation is important and planning.

I used to think it was just because I burned so many calories and was hungry but then I noticed it hardly happens after eating a nutritious and filling meal rich in protein and fibre.


Intermittent fasting