Help! Are weight and self-esteem linked?

Many, mostly women lack the self-esteem for weight control.Women are naturally care givers and end up neglecting their own health because we put others' needs before ours.

So what is self-esteem? 

It's our sense of self-worth that  comes from being able to overcome challenges and accomplishing a goal.

When a healthy body weight is yet to be achieved, what happens?

Do you feel like a failure and defeated?

When you don't accomplish your goal weight your self-esteem drops.

To bring it up and improve on it you need to discover ways to overcome, achieve and get “SMART GOALS”.(Sustainable, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound).

Don't let it define you by which you let it measure your life.You deserve to enjoy life and every moment to the fullest irrespective of your weight and size now.

Making unrealistic weight goals, measurements, strict eating habits and deprivations  will set you up for failure because they're not sustainable.

Remember no matter what the scale says choose happiness and experience joy.

That's where making lifestyle changes comes into play.Substituting bad habits learned over time for better and healthier ones. It takes time to unlearn but it's doable and it's life changing too.

Find the plan that works for you.Get educated on nutrition,so you know the health benefits of foods,their roles in your body and how to use them for your goal.

Make better choices each day.

Find joy in the journey.Practise self care and good hygiene. Smell good too!

Look for activities that you enjoy especially outdoors like walking, jogging, cycling, hiking, gardening, bird watching, the beach.

Pick up new sports like tennis, squash, basketball, soccer, swimming, running.

Be around positive people that will support you.

Find where to serve in your community.

Explore the creative part of you. Writing, painting, arts, singing, poetry,dancing.

Just be intentional and create time for things that you enjoy and will improve your mood while you're improving your diet.


Food is to be enjoyed, not endured


How do you maintain good eating habits?